The flexible workplace revolution is on the rise. People seem to truly enjoy working from home and claim they do better when they have flexibility to work remotely. There are more employees than ever before who are working remotely and it is believed that by 2030, even more, employees will become remote workers. Remote work not only helps employees improve their productivity, but it also has many great benefits for their employers too. Employers who provide employees flexibility are often those who have access to a wider pool of applicants, they have lower business costs, they make better use of technology and their employee retention is better.
Why is it good to work from home? People provided flexibility and allowed to work from home can freely control their own schedule, they have more time for their family and friends, they have more time for their personal development and more opportunities for growth. Those who work from home seem to also be a lot healthier than those who work in regular office environments as working from home gives them enough time to eat healthier foods and workout when needed.
While work from home allows you to work in your pajamas and avoid the commute, it is really hard to appreciate all of the perks and understand all of the downsides of working from home until you experience it yourself.
Working From Home Is A Win-Win For Employees And Employers
Remote work is not only a great thing for employees but also for their employers! With so much technology available to us, it is much easier to work remotely than it ever was before.
Working From Home Saves A Lot Of Money For The Company
It is quite obvious that a company can save up a lot of money by not having to rent real estate for their remote workers. Employers need to pay rent, heating, air conditioning, foods, drinks, etc. for employees that come into the office. Traditional offices are usually required to be located in prime real estate locations and be equipped with desks, conference rooms, breakout space, tea, coffee, and snacks. Remote workers do not need any of these items as they already have all of these things at home.
Not having to pay for any of those things for remote workers allows funds to be diverted to growing a business bigger and faster by investing in business plans or new projects.
Allowing Your Employees To Work From Home Makes Them Happier As Well As More Productive
The best external way to improve the morale of an employee is to give them a raise or bonus. Allowing an employee to work from home can provide internal and external motivation. Giving them a chance to work from home can give them a raise of some sort and provide an internal desire many employees have.
Most employees working in a traditional office have to spend their money commuting to their workplace, paying for lunch, and wearing professional attire. All these things cost time, energy, and money, so by allowing them to work from home, they also get to save money and the business benefits with additional energy and motivated employees.
Remote workers do not waste time driving to their workplace, they have more time for their families and socializing. Giving them all of these benefits often leads to higher employee engagement, loyalty, and retention.
Did you know? Remote workers usually work 16.8 more days in a year than regular employees at the office.

The Biggest Benefits Of Working At Home
Creating Your Own Schedule
Working from home is great for all of us who dislike having a fixed schedule. Having the freedom to create your own schedule and stick to it is a blessing. Writers, graphic designers, and many others have a hard time working on a fixed schedule. Some of the jobs require focus and motivation to do properly, therefore, having a flexible schedule and a schedule you make yourself is a great thing.
Some people prefer to work early in the morning, while others like to get to their work after lunch or in the evening. We are all different, therefore, we work differently and we do not all function the same at a certain time of the day.
Working in a traditional office allows you to take the needed break, but working from home allows you to do whatever you like when taking a break. This means you can play a few of your favorite tunes on your guitar or you can simply dance and sing to relax. Some home workers even like to take power naps between their breaks! There are no rules on how you must be around your own home, the only thing you must always take care of is your work and finishing it on time.
Becoming More Independent
Working from home often means being alone and depending on yourself. Remote workers do not have the luxury of walking up to their co-workers and asking them questions. Working from home forces you to look for answers on your own and become more proactive in everything you do. Many remote workers have developed various skills simply because they needed them in order to successfully work remotely. For example, it is possible you will become more tech-savvy, have an easier time focusing on the important tasks, and you will know your priorities, and work much faster than you ever did before.
Avoiding Office Rules And Politics
Working in an office surrounded by the wrong people is not a good thing. Gossip, posturing and annoying colleagues can be a normal, rather regular thing in a traditional office.
However, when you work from home, there is no one you need to listen to. Due to idle chatting and communication online, remote workers tend to skip gossiping and focus on the important things before them – their work. Working from home is a great thing when it comes to avoiding senseless office politics no one really cares for but everyone tries to stick to because these are the rules.
Remote workers can often feel isolated meanwhile working, but it is certainly a lot better than seeing that same annoying co-worker who does everything but what they are supposed to do.
When you work from home, you can take a break whenever you feel like it is needed as well as play with your dog if you feel like you could use some company, no one will judge you.
Your Office Is Where You Want It To Be, However, You Want It To Be
There is nothing better than your home office area and making it how you always wanted it to be. To make remote working even better, your office does not even have to be at home at all, you can move anywhere and make it an office however you like. Many remote workers enjoy working outside in nature, while others enjoy visiting a coffee shop due to the great ambient and atmosphere there.
However, it is advised every remote worker creates a dedicated workspace area in their home and designs it so that it does not feature distractions and is easy to work in.
Being a remote worker allows you to do your job anywhere, even when you are traveling, it is all up to you and your will to work. Changing environments is a great thing as well, it increases our productivity and often helps us focus on the important projects and tasks on the go. You do not have to work on the same spot every single day.
Improving Your Health, Fitness, And Wellness
Working from home and having a flexible schedule means you will have enough free time to cook healthy foods and get your daily workout in. Remote workers are often a lot healthier than people who work in traditional offices. There is nothing better than starting your workday knowing you’ve got your workout in for the day and have healthy food options and great tea and coffee available.
When we work in traditional office environments such as offices, we barely take time to think about whether the food we eat is healthy. We often make bad convenient choices and tea and coffee choices are usually not great ones.
Cutting Down On Stress And Boosting Productivity
According to science, there are two types of stress when it comes to working. There is a good kind of stress and the bad kind of stress.
When working from home, you experience stress, but it is often the type of stress that pushes you to focus on your tasks and ensures you finish up all of your assignments on time. This type of stress actually makes us more productive and helps us focus on the important things related to our work.
People who work in traditional offices often experience both types of stress, however, the bad type of stress is something that gets them stuck and unable to do their best. Having to deal with an annoying co-worker or not being able to close the window when you are cold can really get annoying for some employees. Working remotely eliminates this type of stress and allows you to focus on what actually matters in the end.
Saving Money And Time
Remotely working has so many great benefits, it is hard to see the downsides! One of the greatest benefits of remote work is being able to save money as well as your own precious time.
- Not having to pay for gas and drive 12 miles to get to work is a great thing. People who quit their traditional office jobs and started working at home have saved up to $500 a year just for gas.
- There is also car maintenance every driver has to do and knowing remote workers do not drive to their offices and jobs, this also saves them a lot of money.
- People who work traditional jobs usually spend a minimum of $6 a day on eating out. Remote workers eat at home most of the time, therefore, they can save up to $1.400 per year.
- Having a regular traditional office job means you need to buy professional clothes and makeup, as well as stylish shoes. Working at home allows you to wear whatever you like, eat what you want and drink your favorite coffee.

Working From Home Makes Your Work Less Of A Pain
There are those small things we all hate about traditional office jobs and things we all truly enjoy upon finding a remote job we enjoy. Here are a few small things that make remote working a better choice than traditional office work.
- Remote workers do not have to listen to irrelevant conversations
- Remote workers can have a snack whenever they want
- Remote workers do not need noise-canceling headsets to have peace
- Remote workers can collaborate with others without leaving their own desk
- Remote workers can call and talk to their friends and family whenever they wish
- Remote workers have their own restroom/bathroom to use
- Remote workers can work in pajamas
- Remote workers set their room temperature to what is comfortable to them
- Remote workers do not have to deal with office drama
- Remote workers drink real coffee
- Remote workers have full control over their schedule
- Remote workers can play music without having to wear a headset
Related Questions
Is a good internet connection important for work from home employees? A good internet connection is one of the most important things for effective remote working. A decent internet connection is all about speed and connection stability. You need a stable internet connection in order to download/upload and make video calls with your co-workers and clients. A stable internet connection for a remote worker is considered to be at least 400 MBps download and 400 Mbps upload.
How to get a decent internet connection for my home office? If you want a good internet connection for your work – Get high-speed data, compare download and upload speeds, pay attention to contract terms, bundle pricing, use and compare special add-ons and other features they offer. Look for a service provider who has reliable and decent customer support as well. Paying attention to all these things will give you the best internet service provider for your needs. Some internet service providers might even provide you with additional packages depending on what you need and how you describe your business to them.