Treat Yourself To The Best Coffee When Working From Home

Coffee is one of those drinks everyone has tried out at least once in their life. Not everyone is a big fan of coffee, but in today’s world, it is certainly one of the most popular drinks among people who work from home. The taste and aroma of coffee often lifts people up, making them feel ‘’awake’’ and ready to go for great business results. Coffee is a brew that is very rich with antioxidants, it helps with heart conditions, cancer, and even Alzheimer’s disease. Knowing the great benefits coffee has on our bodies, it is easy to say even a small coffee can prove to be a big difference when working from home. 

Treat Yourself To The Best Coffee When Working From Home

Coffee might be bringing many great benefits to our daily lives, but overdoing it is not good at all. People who drink too much coffee tend to struggle with insomnia, anxiety, high blood pressure, fatigue, and other uncomfortable side effects. If you want to make drinking coffee your daily routine when working from home, you should be aware of how much you should drink and how often. 

How Much Coffee Is Too Much And How To Deal With Side Effects?

Coffee is an amazing drink and we all like to drink it when our energy levels fall down, however, there should be some limits to it all. Those who drink too much coffee are often found irritated with an upset stomach, restlessness and have a very fast heartbeat. Do not ever drink more than five cups of coffee a day, or precisely, do not consume more than 550-600 milligrams of caffeine a day. If you do, your body will become overdosed with caffeine and you will get to experience some of the side effects mentioned above. People who are sensitive to caffeine might even start feeling these side effects after drinking much less coffee. 

Whoever drinks coffee on a daily basis knows that drinking it late at night can actually keep you up at night and make you feel like you are not sleepy at all. It is important to know when is the right time for your coffee and keep it balanced with drinking it as well. Drinking coffee properly will bring you very positive health benefits and better self-performance at work. 

How Does Caffeine Work?

Did you know caffeine is currently one the most consumed psychoactive drugs in the entire world? It does an amazing job keeping us all awake while doing work at home and there is a good reason why it is found everywhere around us. While caffeine itself does not work as a stimulant, it actually serves as an Adenosine blocker. Adenosine is a chemical that is produced throughout the day, and the more of it is produced in our system, the more our system begins to slow down. At a certain point, Adenosine triggers us to fall asleep, and then caffeine ensures we stay awake by stopping the production of Adenosine for a while. As caffeine helps you out with your brain’s energy levels, it also gives you the ability to focus better, helps you solve problems and increases your productivity levels. 

Many would agree that coffee also helps out with creativity and works great when it comes to group settings. Those who sit together and drink coffee usually have no issues with socialization and tend to have much more casual conversations and a laid back atmosphere around them. While many believe coffee stimulates the brain, it is usually their surroundings such as coffee shops who feature ambient noises that improve creativity levels.

Alternatives To Coffee And Caffeine

Maybe you are not really a fan of coffee when you work from home? If so, that is fine. There are several other ways to achieve the same energy boost, just without drinking coffee.

Taking short naps

Did you know taking a short nap has an effect that is similar to as if you drank a cup of coffee? According to various experts out there, 10-30 minute naps are perfect for a power boost, while longer naps (60-90 minutes) are even better. Taking a longer nap will lead you to boosted creativity levels as well as make you feel rested once again. 


If there is anything we all love, then it is chocolate. Dark chocolate can actually boost your blood flow in the areas of the brain for up to three hours, which means you will be more productive and do your daily tasks with ease. Just like coffee, chocolate intake should be well-balanced as too much sugar is never good for your wellbeing.

Staying active

Going to the gym or walking is a great way of staying active and productive on the go. It may sound counterintuitive, but it can certainly help you get back to your work feeling as motivated as you were at the start of your workday. 

Changing the scenery

Working in the same environment day by day can get very tiring and make you feel like you lost all of your motivation very quickly. Changing the scenery can greatly increase your productivity levels and make you feel much better. Instead of sitting at your home office the entire day, go to a coffee shop or a park of your choosing – it will help you clear your mind and get back to your work as needed.

Working Remotely From A Coffee Shop

If you have been working remotely for a while, you probably know how it feels to be stuck in your home all day working on the tasks and assignments that were given to you. While it all sounds like an easy thing, it really is not and it can actually make you feel tired, not motivated and rather isolated at times. If this is the case for you, have you ever tried going to a coffee shop and working on your assignments from there? 

Coffee shops have become one of the hottest spots for remote workers and they work. They are affordable and provide you with free Wi-Fi access as soon as you enter. Coffee shops are a great place for all of us who miss hearing the chatter of people, clattering of plates or simply that beautiful smell of freshly brewed coffee. Places such as coffee shops can enhance our creativity and concentration levels as well as help us improve our performance while remotely working. 

Four Coffee Drinks That Are A Popular Pick For Remote Workers

If anyone cares for the coffee and its taste, it is us remote workers. We know how to appreciate a well-brewed coffee and enjoy it to its full potential as we work on our assignments. Just for that, the next four coffee drinks deserve to get their name listed and everyone should give them a try.


Latte is great, it features a creamy, velvety texture that blends perfectly with flavorful espresso and creates heaven of flavors for any remote worker out there. A cafe latte usually consists of 3 ounces of steamed milk, 2 ounces of espresso and a layer of thin foam right on top. Most people compare latte to a cappuccino, so if you like cappuccino, you should certainly try it out!


People often mix regular black coffee with Americano – it is not the same! Americano is everything but not a regular coffee. Americano is not burned, it is not bitter or sour at all. The creamy, lingering texture of Americano will surely make you come back to it in no time. 

Cold Brew Coffee

Bored of the same coffee every single time? Cold brew coffee is an amazing way to bring a change to the table! Brewed hot and served completely cold, this coffee is one of the favorite coffee types for the people who are not really fans of coffee. 


Mocha is usually the favorite coffee to most of us. This lovely brew is all about espresso and milk drinks with a bit of chocolate. In some places, you might get hot chocolate poured into Mocha, while at other places you will get chocolate syrup instead. If you like the chocolate and lovely creamy texture in your coffee, Mocha is a way to go.

Related Questions

Which coffee maker should I get for my home? Ninja Hot and Cold Brewed System is an amazing coffee maker that not only makes a great coffee, but also an amazing tea! This brewing machine comes with many coffee and tea options as well as 5 different brewing styles (strength-wise). According to the various Amazon reviews, this coffee/tea maker is like winning a lottery, it is easy to use, does not take too much space and it also makes truly breathtaking drinks!

Which coffee gives the best energy boost? If you are looking for a real energy boost as you work from home, try brewing a double espresso. It is advised you make it with robusta beans as those are known to give the best energy boost out there. Drinking this double espresso should get your energy levels up and help you continue your work without any struggle at all. I personally use Bulletproof Mentalist coffee.

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