Can You Work From Home For Google?

Google is one of the largest companies in the world at the moment, back in 2018. Google actually reported global revenue of $109 billion and the numbers keep on rising! Google has it all, it has been a name we have been hearing for years and it is surely a name we will keep on hearing for a long time.

Can you work from home for Google? There are a lot of scams related to working from home with Google and it is something to be very cautious about. Google doesn’t openly advertise their work from home positions and the jobs Google offers you to do remotely are nowhere the same as the jobs most scamming websites will want you to do. The only way to find positions for working from home with Google is by visiting their Google Careers page and browsing through after searching for ‘’telecommute’’ or  ‘’remote’’ jobs. But, yes, you can work from home for Google, but it is not an easy thing to accomplish.

Being one of the most technologically-advanced companies in the world, many people want to work for Google. However, in order to work for Google, you must be the best you can be at all times. Google does not hire average employees, they look for the best people they can find. Being one of the best highly engaged companies out there, it is rather obvious, landing a job at Google would not be easy. While getting a job at Google might not be easy at all, those who got it have openly spoken out about how Google cares for its employees and makes sure they always have enough space for the improvement.

While there are remote/telecommuting jobs at Google, that does not mean you will always be allowed to stay at home and never go to the office or conferences. Google does support remote work, but they will also need you to travel to conferences and attend various events throughout the entire year.  

Finding Work From Home At Google

There are not many work-from-home opportunities at Google simply because of the famous company culture that connects the employees. While technology today allows us to freely work remotely, it appears Google’s preference is for employees to be around co-workers, talking and sharing your knowledge and ideas. 

Finding work from home at Google is pretty straight forward even if it might take a very long time to do so properly. Upon searching ‘’remote’’ or ‘’telecommute’’ in the search bar at Google Careers page, you will notice there are various positions that actually allow you to remotely work. However, these positions still have on-site jobs and only specific locations and people end up able to work remotely. If you are interested in a specific type of work at Google and it is unavailable at the moment, the Google Careers page also has an option for you to set up alerts and get notified as soon as the job is available and matches your own preferences. The notifications you will receive will always come to your email address first so you can create an application right away. 

If you have never heard of Google Ads Quality Rater or Search Evaluator position before, we have great news. These two jobs are very similar and are available as work from home positions. These two are remote work positions and they can let you jump on board in no time. If you are lucky enough, sometimes you will be able to find these jobs via Google Careers search, however, if not, set an alert and get notified whenever the position is available. There are even third-party services that partnered with Google such as Lionbridge and Appen. These companies have a partnership with Google and they create jobs for ads quality raters. Most of these applications take a while to review, so be ready to wait for an answer for a couple of weeks. 

How Does ‘’Ads Quality Rater’’ or ‘’Search Evaluator’’ work?

‘’Ads Quality Rater’’ and ‘’Search Evaluator’’ positions are actually very similar even if they feature completely different names. If you ever get to work in any of these fields, you will end up evaluating Google search results, check their relevancy to search queries and most common terms people search through Google. Upon getting this job, Google or the partnered company will provide you with an online tool that allows you to rate the searches and adds using a  given scale. People who work as ‘’Ads Quality Rater’’ or ‘’Search Evaluator’’ usually look at how results match the queries and check how legitimate the website information is after searching various terms via the search engine. Every Google employee who does this type of work remotely helps Google to improve their algorithm and give out the best results for everyone who uses their engine. 

This type of work is not full-time work and often you will get to work up to 20 hours a week, while next week you will only work 10 hours or none at all. The usual pay for this type of work at Google goes around $12-$15 per hour and it requires you to sign non-disclosure agreements on the go.

Do Not Fall For Google Job Scams

There are many Google work-from-home job scams on the internet. Scams for Google work from home jobs, however, seem to be even worse since the scammers actually use Google’s name without permission and drag many people into it. Google simply is not a company that is widely known for its work from home jobs, so whenever you see Google work from home job posted somewhere, avoid getting into it no matter what.

Most Google work from home scams will seem something like this:

  • They will ask for an application fee
  • They will ask you to pay for some sort of a kit to get started with your work
  • They are simply too good to be true
  • They promise a lot of money 

You may remember the Google Money Tree scam that was going around a couple of years ago. They promised their users that they would be able to make up to $100,000 in six months after buying a work from home kit from them. Sadly, this scam did not work out well and most of their customers ended up charged over $70 a month afterward. Google will never ask you to pay for anything in order to work for them, they will never post about their jobs anywhere else but their Google Careers page – be careful! 

Working For Google Is Not For Everyone

Working for Google might seem like a dream come true, but it is not for everyone. Upon landing a job at Google, many things in your life can change. Sadly, people are not aware of how big and important Google really is and all they care about is good pay and being able to talk about being a Google employee. While there are many great things about Google, being a Google employee does not mean your life will become easy at all.

Interviewing process struggles

The whole interview process takes up to six weeks and most of the people end up rejected the first few times. Once you create an application for Google, it is sent to a hiring committee that decides whether you are fit for the job. Some people even get asked to work on a project and some of the projects can take up to 70 hours of work. Even after spending 70 hours on a project and getting it done, it does not mean you will be accepted either. The process of getting hired at Google is lengthy and it is certainly not a process everyone can go through. Google managers and hiring committees are tough people who know what they need to make their company shine. 

Top professional game every day

Google gets over 2,000,000 people applying for their jobs each year, this means Google can take their time and pick out the best applicants. Google knows how important they are, they know they are the ones in power to pick so they do. Those who get hired by Google are usually people who are able to bring their top professional game every single day and even that does not mean Google will keep them around. It is extremely important for Google employees to constantly reach for new levels of success and all of it can get very stressful at times. There are no slacking days at Google, if you cannot keep up, soon you will find yourself moving on. 

Google employees are often stereotyped

Most Google employees “Googlers” feel very good about themselves, and to be honest, they really should. Sadly, people who openly talk about being a Google employee end up stereotyped. Even if you are humble, there will always be stories about how you are acting to be better than anyone else just because you work for Google. Even if you are the nicest person in the world, people can automatically assume you are full of yourself because you mentioned working for Google. While this does not have anything to do with the job at Google itself, misperceived and sometimes even discriminated simply because you got one of the most wanted jobs in the world. 

Related Questions

Do Google employees have enough flexibility? Google’s culture is all about flexibility and it encourages their employees to work when and however they like. Google employees have nap pods, video games, ping pong tables available to them at all times and they schedule their own hours however they like. 

What is Google Ad Sense? Google AdSense allows publishers to earn money from their own website/online content. Google AdSense matches ads to your website and its content. These ads are usually paid and created/designed by advertisers who promote their products and believe your website/content goes well with their products. 

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